- Aubry C., Mallison H., Houssaye A. & Lefebvre R. Evolution of astragalus morphology linked to gigantism within sauropodomorphs and the emergence of the sauropod bauplan. 70th Symposium on Vertebrate Palaeontology and Comparative Anatomy (SVPCA), London, September 21st-23th 2022. Poster.
- Mallet C., Moizo L. Cornette R. & Houssaye, A. Relationship between shape and functional constraints in the patella of perissodactyls. 70th Symposion on Vertebrate Palaeontology and Comparative Anatomy (SVPCA), London, United Kingdom, September 21st – 23th 2022. Oral communication.
- Pintore R., Hutchinson J. R., Bishop P. J., Tsai H. P., Houssaye A. Femoral adaptations to gigantism in theropod dinosaurs. 70th Symposium on Vertebrate Palaeontology and Comparative Anatomy (SVPCA), 21st – 24th September 2022, London, UK. Oral Presentation.
- Proust, M., Etienne, C., Houssaye, A. Bone microanatomical variations within Bovidae: what’s at play? 67th Symposium of Vertebrate Palaeontology and Comparative Anatomy. London, United Kingdom. September 21st-23rd 2022. Poster.
- Etienne, C., De Jésus, A., Collin, B., Houssaye, A. Whole bone distribution of trabecular compactness and anisotropy reveals how long bones sustain important forces in rhinoceroses. Society of Experimental Biology 2022 Annual Conference. Montpellier, France. 5th-8th July 2022. Oral communication.
- Lefebvre R., Allain R., Cornette R. & Houssaye A. Taille versus masse dans le gigantisme des sauropodes: apport des données internes et externes des os longs des membres. Congrès de l’Association Paléontologique Française (APF), Montpellier, France, May 30th-June 2nd 2022. Oral communication.
- Pintore R., Hutchinson J. R., Bishop P. J., Tsai H. P., Houssaye A. L’adaptation du fémur au gigantisme chez les dinosaures théropodes. Congrès de l’Association Paléontologique Française (APF). 30th May – 3rd June 2022, Montpellier, FR. Poster Presentation.
- Cottereau, R., Houssaye, A., & Cucchi, T. Effect of captivity on calcaneal microanatomy of wild boar (Sus scrofa). International Symposium on Palaeohistology (ISPH) 2022, Pune, India (online), March 22nd – 24th 2022. Oral communication
- Houée G., Houssaye A. Adaptation of perissodactyl long bone inner structure - Focus on tapirs. International Symposium on Palaeohistology (ISPH) 2022, Pune, India (online), March 22nd – 24th 2022. Poster.
- Etienne, C., Bellato, M., Fernandez, V., Houssaye, A. What rhinoceros long bones’ microanatomy reveals about adaptation to weight bearing in very large mammals. 6th International Symposium on Palaeohistology (ISPH), Pune, India (online), March 22nd – 24th 2022. Oral communication.
- Bader, C., Böhmer, C., Abou, M., & Houssaye, A. How does bone microanatomy and musculature covary? An investigation in the forelimb of two species of martens. International Symposium on Palaeohistology (ISPH) 2022, Pune, India (online), March 22nd – 24th 2022. Oral communication.
- Lefebvre R., Houssaye A., Cornette R., Allain R. - Vers le gigantisme extrême : Variations morphologiques des os longs des membres des dinosaures sauropodomorphes durant l’émergence du plan d’organisation sauropode. Congrès de l’Association Paléontologique Française (APF) 2021, Troyes, August 30th - September 2nd, 2021. Oral communication
- Mallet C. – 2021. Adaptation morphologique des os longs à la graviportalité au sein des Rhinocerotoidea. Congrès de l’Association Paléontologique Française (APF) 2021, Troyes, August 30th - September 2nd, 2021.
- Lefebvre, R., Cornette, R., Allain, R. & Houssaye, A. What's inside a sauropod limb? Three-dimensional examination of the limb long bone microanatomical pattern of Nigersaurus taqueti (Dinosauria, Sauropoda). 18th Conference of the European Association of Vertebrate Palaeontologists, Benevento, Italy (online), July 5th-9th 2021. Oral communication
- Pintore, R., Cornette, R., Houssaye, A. & Allain, R. Sexual dimorphism in theropod dinosaur femora from the Lower Cretaceous of France. 18th Conference of the European Association of Vertebrate Palaeontologists, Online, July 5th-9th 2021. Oral communication.
- Mallet C., Houssaye A., Cornette R., Billet G. Bone shape in heavy mammals: Evolutionary covariation of forelimb bones with size, body mass and body proportions in Rhinocerotoidea. 18th Conference of the European Association of Vertebrate Palaeontologists, Online, July 5th-9th 2021. Oral communication.
- Etienne, C, Houssaye, A, Hutchinson, JR. Limb musculature of white and Indian rhinoceroses reveals adaptations to large body mass. Society of Experimental Biology 2021 Annual Conference. Online 29th June-8th July. Oral communication.
- Pintore R., Houssaye A., Nesbitt S. J., Hutchinson J. R. The fourth trochanter across early archosauriforms: Morphological decoupling between locomotor habit and body size influence. Progressive Palaeontology 2021, Online, 17th-19th June 2021. Oral communication.
- Pintore R., Houssaye A., Nesbitt S. J., Hutchinson J. R. Femoral specialization to locomotor habits in early archosauriforms. Triassic Vertebrate Palaeontology Meetup (TVPM). Online. 28th May 2021. Oral communication.
- Houssaye, A. Mammal Bone Microanatomy. What are we doing? Virtual symposium: Macroevolution of form and function in the mammalian locomotor system. 27th March 2021. Online. Invited oral communication.
- Houssaye, A. Les os : faces interne et externe, des dessous de l’évolution. Séminaire Palevoprim. 14th December 2020. Invited oral communication.
- Houssaye, A. Bones: internal and external sides of the underside of evolution. Seminar Steinmann-Institut für Geologie, Mineralogie und Paläontologie. 15th December 2020. Invited oral communication.
- Pintore R., Houssaye A., Nesbitt S. J., Hutchinson J. R. Limb bone adaptations to postural changes in early archosaurs: Quantification of femoral shape variation between quadrupeds and bipeds. 80th annual meeting of the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology. 11th - 16th October 2020. Oral communication.
- Houssaye A., Martin F., Etienne C., BoisserieJR & Lihoreau F. The ecology of fossil hippopotamoids (Mammalia, Cetartiodactyla) examined in the light of the microanatomy of their long bones. 80th annual meeting of the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology. 11th - 16th October 2020. Oral communication.
- Houssaye, A. What about long bone nutrient canal(s)? –A 3D investigation in mammals. 5th International Symposium on Palaeohistology, Cape Town, South Africa, July 31st–August 4th, 2019. Oral communication.
- Etienne C., Filippo A., Cornette R., Houssaye A. The effect of mass and habitat preference on limb
long bones: an investigation in Bovidae (Mammalia, Cetartiodactyla). 12th International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology, Prague, Czech Republic, July 21th-25th 2019. Oral communication. - Lefebvre R., Cornette R., Allain R. & Houssaye A. From bipeds to quadrupeds: investigating the morphological evolution occurring in limb bones during the prosauropod/sauropod transition. 12th International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology, Prague, Czech Republic, July 21th-25th 2019. Oral communication.
- Mallet C., Cornette R., Billet G., Houssaye A. Are Rhinoceros Graviportal? Morphofunctional 3D-Analysis of Modern Rhinoceros Limb Long Bones. 12th International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology, Prague, Czech Republic, July 21th-25th 2019. Oral communication.
- Houssaye A., Moizo L., Perthuis A., Mallet C., Cornette R. Functional Adaptation of the Shape and Inner Structure of the Patella – An Investigation in Perissodactyla. 12th International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology, Prague, Czech Republic, July 21th-25th 2019. Oral communication.
- Delapre A., Pintore R., Mallet C., Botton-Divet L., Houssaye A., Cornette R. Retro-Deformation Using Thin Plate-Spline (TPS) Method on Asymmetric Objects: Inquiry on Perissodactyl Femora. 12th International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology, Prague, Czech Republic, July 21th-25th 2019. Poster.
- Pintore, R., Cornette, R., Houssaye, A., Allain, R. Intraspecific variability among a large population of Ornithomimosaurs - An insight from the Lower Cretaceous of the Southwest of France. 17th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Vertebrate Palaeontologists. 2nd-6th July 2019. Poster communication.
- Etienne C., Mallet C., Cornette R., Houssaye A. Graviportality and its effect on tarsus bone shape: a morphometrical study on extant and extinct Rhinocerotidae and their relatives. Young Natural History Scientists Meeting, Paris, 12th-16th March 2019. Oral communication.
- Pintore, R., Cornette, R., Delapré, A., Houssaye, A. The potential and limits of Thin-Plate Splines retrodeformation on asymmetrical objects: Simulation of taphonomical deformations on a modern horse and application on a fossil sample of sauropodomorph dinosaur bones. 6th Young Natural History Scientist's Meeting, Paris, 12th-16th March 2019. Oral communication.
- Gônet, J., Houssaye, A. & Allain, R. How the study of the adaptations of the appendicular skeleton in dinosaurs allows us to infer their posture? An example with Lurdusaurus, a massive iguanodontid from the Early Cretaceous of Niger. 6th Young Natural History scientists Meeting, Paris, 12th-16th March 2019. Poster communication.
- Lefebvre R., Cornette R., Allain R., Delapré A. & Houssaye A. Taphonomy in Morphology: How to interpret the shape variation of the limb bones sauropodomorph dinosaurs through the case study of the intrageneric variability in Plateosaurus. 6th Young Natural History Scientists Meeting (YNHM), 12th-16th March 2019. Oral Communication.
- Pintore, R., Delapré, A., Lefebvre, R., Botton-Divet, L., Houssaye, A. & Cornette, R. Accessing the lost biological shape of fossils: How to study altered natural heritage? World Meeting on Heritage Sciences and Technologies, Paris, 14th-15th February 2019. Poster communication.
- Indekeu, P., Mallet, C., MacLaren, J., A.Influence of body mass, phylogeny and ecology on morphological variation in the third metacarpal of rhinos (Perissodactyla: Rhinocerotidae). 25th Benelux Zoology Congress, Antwerpen, United Kingdom. 13th – 15th December 2018. Oral communication.
- Houssaye, A., Etienne, C., Mallet, C. & Cornette, R. Functional, phylogenetic, and allometric signals in the shape evolution of the astragalus and calcaneus of modern and fossil Rhinocerotoidea. 78th Annual Meeting of the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, Albuquerque, NM, USA. 17th-20th October 2018. Oral communication.
- MacLaren, J., A., Indekeu, P., Mallet, C., Nauwelaerts, S. Walking with unicorns: metacarpal morphology of the Rhinocerotidae. 66th Symposium of Vertebrate Morphology and Comparative Anatomy, Manchester, United Kingdom. 5th – 8th September 2018. Oral communication.
- Mallet, C., Cornette, R., Billet, G. & Houssaye, A. Morphofunctional 3D analysis of long bone shape variation among rhinos. 5th International Palaeontological Congress, Paris, France. 9th – 13th July 2018. Oral communication.
- Houssaye, A. Long bone biomechanical adaptation. Inner & outer structures. GIS “Matériaux bio-inspirés / Habitat bio-inspiré“, Paris, France. 18th June 2018. Invited speaker.
- Kouvari, M. Morpho-functional study of the stylopod in Rhinocerotidae: a 3D approach. 5th Young Natural History Scientists’ Meeting, Paris, France. 6th-10th March 2018. Poster.
- Pintore R., Cornette R., Allain R. & Houssaye, A. Changements de contraintes fonctionnelles entre les prosauropodes et les sauropodes : Aperçu des changements morphologiques au niveau des os du stylopode. Congrès de l’Association Paléontologique Française, Bruxelles, Belgium. 4th-7th April 2018. Oral communication.
- Pintore, R., Cornette, R., Allain, R. & Houssaye, A. Limb functional shift between prosauropod and sauropod dinosaurs: Morphological changes among stylopod bones. 5th Young Natural History Scientists’ Meeting, Paris, France. 6th-10th March 2018. Oral communication.
- Pintore R., Cornette R., Delapré A. & Houssaye A. Quantifier la qualité de rétro-déformation par la méthode des Thin-Plate Splines sur des objets asymétriques : simulation de dégradations taphonomiques et application sur un échantillon de dinosaures sauropodomorphes. Journée DIM matériaux anciens et patrimoniaux : Développements méthodologiques en Taphonomie, Paris, France. 10th October 2018. Oral communication.